The Fishing Liaison with Offshore Wind and Wet Renewables Group (FLOWW) was set up in 2002 to foster good relations between the fishing and offshore renewable energy sectors and encourage co-existence of the industries across the UK.
FLOWW’s objectives are to discuss effectively on issues arising from the interaction of the fishing industry and offshore renewables activity, share and develop best practice, and liaise with other sectors with interests in the marine environment.
From 28 March 2011, the group has been chaired by Colin Warwick on behalf of The Crown Estate. In addition, The Crown Estate provides the secretariat services of the group. The group comprises approximately 40 organisations with an interest in offshore renewables and the fishing industry, and are drawn from fishing industry bodies and representatives from developers, government and The Crown Estate. FLOWW meets three/four times a year.
With the degree of expected growth in the Offshore Renewable Energy sector (40GW by 2030, Net Zero by 2050), FLOWW remains a vital group in supporting the relationship between different sectors, and is committed to continued cooperation in order to facilitate coexistence of the industries. The group is currently focussing on updating the Best Practice Guidance, alongside seeking to understand key evidence gaps and identify potential solutions. Suggestions for focus areas are warmly welcomed and for any discussions or requests to join the group please contact the secretariat.
FLOWW Minutes and Papers
Minutes from the previous three meetings will be posted. For any earlier minutes please contact the secretariat.
Papers, including the current version of the FLOWW best practice guidance (currently under review) and useful links can also be accessed through this page following meetings.
Please note that the views expressed are those emanating from the group as a whole and may not necessarily be those of any specific member of the group.
The secretariat can be contacted at: floww@thecrownestate.co.uk
Please see the links below for information on best practice, minutes, governance and research.
Best Practice Guidance
FLOWW BPG disruption settlements
Download (390KB)
Meeting minutes
FLOWW meeting minutes
Download (441KB)FLOWW meeting minutes
Download (352KB)FLOWW meeting minutes
Download (937KB)
FLOWW Terms of Reference
Download (299KB)
Changes to fishing practices around the UK as a result of the development of offshore wind farms - Phase 1
Download (8.1MB)